About Me

Hey there I’m Ashley!

Thanks for stopping by my page. 🙂

My Story

I have been plant-based and living a vegan lifestyle for just 4 years now, and I can’t share with you enough- everything I have learned.

I uncovered major health benefits for myself and the human body, extreme positive impacts on animals, our carbon footprint, and our planet’s oceans and lands (and the list just goes on and on).

As this is a process of unlearning and relearning completely different ways to eat and live, it can seem wrong, overwhelming, and fearful.

However, I’m here to assure you that it is evidentially proven by numerous experts (healthcare professionals, plant-based researchers, the vegans themselves, etc.) to be the absolute best thing for us and our future.

I created this website to expand and share the vegan (or plant-based) lifestyle with YOU!


I am a Registered Nurse with experience in the Western Healthcare world. (Sadly, I have watched it many times destroy people rather than heal them when it comes to certain diseases and/or preventions).

I am also a graduate of the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies through eCornell University.

I am so grateful for the ground-breaking evidence and education provided through this program on how important plant-based nutrition is for our health- from the experts and researchers themselves.

Click the badge below to check it out!

I hope this website inspires you to try out plant-based foods and cleaner, greener, & happier ways of life!