Transforming Vegan Documentaries That Will Inspire You

A great resource for learning the truth (or the closest to it) is through film– specifically vegan documentaries.

Video camera to film documentaries

In today’s world, there are endless resources of film that highlight plant-based life through all different ways.

Health & nutrition benefits, disease reversals, animal welfare, corrupt corporations, success stories, planet Earth destruction and rebuilding…

are just some of the many topics these documentaries cover.

The list truly goes on as the plant-based life movement continues to grow, however I describe below some amazing ones to get you started.

So with all of that being said…

Let’s jump into popular apps including Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime that stream these powerful vegan documentaries.

Netflix Films

Female athletes running

1. The Game Changers

A 2018 documentary led by UFC fighter & combative expert, James Wilks, explores a plant-based diet for an athlete.

Throughout the film, meet and listen to plant-based, top performing athletes across the globe explain and demonstrate the extreme benefits.

See what eating dairy and meat does to your body through studies and experiments- which is frighteningly the opposite of what any athlete should ever want.

Plant-based protein (and meat-based protein) is also covered as this is a HUGE concern for building muscles and gaining strength.

2. What The Health

Filmmaker, Kip Andersen explores the link of what we eat like meat, dairy, and fish with disease and human health.

As the film continues, numerous organizations, healthcare professionals, researchers, etc. are approached on the topic of nutrition and illness.

Hear from experts like Dr. Greger, Dr. Klaper, Dr. Esselstyn, Dr. Neal Barnard and many more as they explain animal agriculture, nutrition, human health, disease, money, corporations, and life.

If you’d like to read or discover more on this film, visit their website!

3. Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret

This documentary dives into sustainability in such shocking ways.

Essentially, meaning how to reduce our individual and collective human damage of our planet and all of its’ resources.

But as the film begins, Kip Andersen shows and uncovers the truth behind animal agriculture and it’s serious damage of and on Earth.

Animal agriculture is not talked about enough in society and this documentary makes sure to bring it forth- front and center.

Learn mind-blowing facts on exactly how animal agriculture is the main reason for climate change (compared to all other reasons, including ALL Global transportation combined).

4. The Milk System

Do you ever think about dairy, specifically milk, and how it’s really created and what it’s really made of?

Imprisoned cow

What about how far it expands on the global scale- throughout huge organizations, corporations, and governments?

Well, fortunately this 2017 German produced documentary gives us an inside glimpse at the dairy industry and what it truly is.

Take a deep dive into how milk is made, which should be very important to us as this is something we feed nearly every single human, daily.

5. Seaspiracy

This 2021 documentary shocks viewers as it takes serious risks to expose the fishing industry and the truth of what’s happening to our oceans.

Through this film, discover the deep ways in which humans harm the sea and all of it’s precious species.

Understand how these impacts then continue to ripple and create even more disastrous affects for us and our future.

Our oceans are key to our survival and the health of them collectively is so crucial to understand and promote!

Hulu Films

Currently for vegan documentaries on Hulu, there is only a single series available that features the vegan life- but in the way of cooking and how to eat raw vegan.

1. Raw. Vegan. Not Gross.

Watch this heart-lightening, entertaining T.V. series by Laura Miller, who is an inspirational vegan cook/chef.

Delicious vegan raw meal

Throughout the episode, enjoy as she creates delicious, vegan recipes throughout.

Season 1 has 10 episodes available.

Amazon Prime Films

Amazon Prime is absolutely filled with documentaries that can inspire us to take on a plant-based diet for our health, animals, the environment, and our future as a human race.

It’s hard to limit the list, so please keep exploring all of the amazing documentaries out there- just search vegan!

Many are available to rent or buy, but there are plenty free as well.

1. Forks Over Knives

This popular documentary is available to rent or buy on Amazon prime.

Plant-based doctors and experts take a shocking look at how many diseases can actually be prevented and controlled through nutrition.

Specifically, we can examine how animal-based foods affect us at an internal (and external) level.

And in turn, what plant-based, unprocessed (whole) foods and their nutrition can do for us.

2. Plant Pure Nation

This documentary was created by the same producer and writer of Forks Over Knives.

It stars plant-based experts including Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, and Dr. Michael Greger.

Uncover facts and the hard truth on what food and how nutrition affects our overall health and many diseases.

This documentary, along with the others, really provides us with new ways of thinking about our own health, diet, and lifestyle.

3. How Not to Die

Dr. Michael Greger, M.D. – a physician, plant-based advocate & speaker, and NY Times bestselling author- presents us facts on optimal diet and lifestyle.

Learn from Dr. Greger as he gives a lecture using factual plant-based evidence– fueled through his own life mission of finding what is best for his patients.

Please visit Dr. Greger’s website if interested! There is a ton of information, events, lectures, merchandise, etc.

*Also, “How Not to Die” is a New York Times Bestselling book written by Dr. Greger.

4. The End of Meat

Dive into meat consumption– what it does to us, where it comes from, and the hidden industry behind it.

This documentary presents us with the unbelievably hard question of “what, and whom we are eating”- and it truly helps paint the picture for us.

Fortunately, we see how the transition to not eating animals benefits us in deep ways that really are shocking to become aware of.

5. Living Vegan

This inspiring 2020 documentary is available to rent or buy on Amazon prime.

Meet 5 unique individuals who invite us into their lives and share with us their transformation going vegan.

Learn through all of their powerful experiences and ways of life to see what it’s like to be plant-based in today’s world- and why.

As always, please try out new documentaries or films to inspire and educate you!

There really are so many out there.